
Dr. Jacques LaFrance became a follower of Jesus as a freshman at Harvard University. Throughout the rest of his undergraduate and graduate work he was active in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. After completing his Ph. D. in computer science, he taught at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, and then at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His final teaching assignment was as Adjunct Associate Professor in the master’s program at Oklahoma State University, Tulsa campus. After retiring in 2000, he has done various things, mostly tutoring in mathematics and science. In the 1970’s he was introduced to George Ritchie’s Return from Tomorrow and Maurice Rawlings’ Beyond Death’s Door. He was so fascinated with what he read that he has ultimately read the books in the bibliography. By noting the consistency and differences in each of these accounts, he conceived the idea of his book, Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, to create a thorough overview of what heaven is like in all of its features by putting together different authors’ descriptions of each feature. He currently lives in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, and is a member of First Presbyterian Church of Tulsa. He enjoys nature lore, hiking, bicycling, and N scale model railroading. He would love to hear from you after reading this book by writing to him at

Post #84 Light

Recently we were considering light and darkness in Sunday school. Considering the testimonies in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, the glory of God lights up heaven. But it is not like the light coming from the sun, the light of God is everywhere and in everything in heaven. His light comes out of animals, people, flowers, …

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