Two features of heaven are related, heaven’s complete record of our lives and the Book of Life that identifies who is allowed into heaven. This post describes each of these.
The archives room of heaven contains more books than you can imagine, more than the Library of Congress. Roland Buck said they are vast. Jeanne Enstad said there were thousands upon thousands of books. Richard Sigmund said the shelves seemed to be miles long and miles high. He said each page was something like a three-dimensional video screen. He saw tall angels take books off the shelves and write in them with a very long quill that never runs out of ink and put them back. These books contain every detail of everyone’s life. Gary Wood said these books contain all we have done in our lives. Everything, the good and the bad, is recorded there. All our sins, our good deeds, our thoughts, our actions, our intentions, our feelings, everything, are recorded there. The images contained the history of that person’s life in every detail. Again Gary Wood said the heavenly filing system is a totally different system than that of this world. It is far more complete. Roland Buck said the files of heaven are not like man would make; they are more complete with everything being meticulously recorded. When people have Near Death Experiences, they frequently report having a life review. This review is based on the records in the archives. It is also the records in the archives that God will bring into focus when the books are opened at the time of the final judgment. At our final judgment, our sins recorded are deemed enough to keep us out of heaven. But if there are no sins recorded in the archives, the record therein is used to determine our reward.
But when one repents and accepts the sacrifice Jesus made for him, all record of sins is wiped clean from the record, so that at the final judgment there is no record of sin for that person. Roland Buck got to see the record of Abraham’s life, and he could not find the places where Abraham stumbled, such as when Abraham lied to the king of Egypt, saying his wife was his sister. God told him He never records failure in heaven. Gary Wood saw an angel take the book for someone who had just received Jesus into his heart and completely erase all the transgressions he had committed so there was no record any more of his wrongdoings. Mary K. Baxter also saw this expunging of someone’s record using the blood of Jesus.
In addition to the archives, there is the Lamb’s Book of Life. It seems to be a supplement to the archives containing the names of all who have accepted Jesus’ gift of eternal life by confessing their sin and receiving His forgiveness. Marvin Besteman said the Book of Life is actually a set of books extending into the mist at least twelve feet in each direction with three or four books piled at each point along the shelf. Richard Sigmund and Dale Black both saw it as a single book. Perhaps they each only saw the volume that had his name in it. No one reported seeing an angel write in it, but three of the witnesses were allowed to see their names in the book, Richard Sigmund, Dale Black, and Marvin Besteman. Richard said his entry was in three-inch golden letters outlined in crimson because of Christ’s blood, “Richard of the Family of Sigmund,” followed by the dates of his birth and of his conversion. Dale Black stated that the date of our birth recorded in heaven is the date we were conceived, not the date we were born from our mother’s womb. Marvin Besteman said that once your name is written in the Book of Life, it is permanent and can never be erased. He said the Bible assures us that Satan can never steal us from God’s hand once we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. But Mark K. Baxter saw souls in hell who had once served God but became seduced by Satan’s wiles and quit serving God. In the Appendix, section “Demons in Hell and Occupants of Fire Pits,” of my new manuscript, Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, some of the souls Mary Baxter saw in the fire pits in hell had at some point rejected the Holy Spirit and their serving God turned into serving self, in one case because of a complete unwillingness to forgive. Matthew 6:15, “But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” So maybe our name being there is required for admission to heaven but doesn’t guarantee it. See Mark 3:29, “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” But Mary Baxter said God told those souls He tried over and over to get them to repent but they never did. No matter what we have done, even unforgiveness, Jesus is ready to forgive us completely if we will repent and forgive finally. All is never lost until our spirit leaves the physical world. I give one last instance of the role of the archives. Kat Kerr said there is a Remember When Gallery in which you can sit in your own theater and review funny, fun-filled, hilarious things that happened in your life. But since nothing bad or negative can be in heaven the scenes from your life do not include anything sinful, tragic, or sad. It will also include all the rewarding moments in your life. I invite you to my Remember When Gallery a few Earth years from now to join me in some good laughs.