I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas (and merry one also).
As we approach the end of 2024, I am encouraged to challenge you to think ahead, farther ahead than usual but not as far as you might think. I don’t post here regularly because I don’t write just to hear myself, but I write when I think God has given me something important to share. The concern at this time is there are increasing signs we are nearing the end of the age, the End Times.
I recently read Ivan Tuttle’s A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back. He states in the Introduction that “I was not living a very good life; at 26 years old I was mixed up in drugs and my life was spiraling out of control. I made some bad choices in my life back then, but little did I know my mother would be so instrumental in helping me back.” (page 5) That was in 1978 at the time he had a blood clot in his leg the doctor said needed immediate attention. He thought only old people get blood clots so he ignored it until the pain became unbearable and he finally went to the hospital. While he was in the hospital, he experienced cardiac arrest and found himself in hell. That was a most terrifying experience combined with the recognition there was nothing he could do about it and there was no escape. He was all alone and about to suffer greatly from the hands of demons. His description of hell corresponds to the many eyewitnesses in the Appendix to Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. The reports are all consistent and tell us hell is real and far more terrible and painful than you could ever imagine. And it is hopeless; there is no escape or relief ever.
At the end of chapter 5 and the beginning of chapter 6, he writes, “I knew now I was lost for sure, there was no return. I was lost and to think I had all those chances to turn things around and change my life, but my own self-satisfaction was too important to me. I thought what a fool I had been; I was truly trapped and now I would have to pay the price for all eternity.
“All of a sudden I heard a voice like a mighty roar of thunder that said, ’It is not his time yet. His mother has been praying for him since he was a little boy. You must release him now. I made a promise!’ The evil spirit that had hold of me released me immediately, and I just seemed to fly through space upward. And out of hell in seconds. Suddenly there was bright light everywhere; everything glowed. I felt like I had never felt before, wonderful feelings all through my being! Not only did I now have hope; I knew I was in the presence of a heavenly being!” (pp 64-66) He then tells some of the wonderful feelings he had there, completely the opposite of what he had experienced in hell. Then “an angel appeared to me and told me I could not stay in heaven. I now also know that my mother’s prayers were not the main reason I didn’t stay in hell. I didn’t stay in hell because it was not my time to die. Hell was a glimpse of what would have been my fate if I didn’t change. Now since I had not changed and given my life to the Lord yet, I had been taken to heaven only to observe, and then to tell people on Earth what I saw.”(page 66) He does, however, encourage us never to give up praying for loved ones who are lost. Our prayers may be the only thing that gives them a second chance to escape hell. I prayed for my parents for forty years before they were saved and now I am praying for a lost daughter and her family.
While he was in heaven, his accompanying angel showed him many things about coming events. In 1978 he saw tablets, the future cell phones, and more that is yet to appear, and how these devices would captivate so many people’s attention. He adds, “So many people had forgotten how to really (sic) communicate, and this was all part of Satan’s plan to get control of people because if they forgot how to communicate verbally then they would forget how to pray as well. Connect (sic) and keep them in touch with machines instead of people.” (page 71) Does this sound familiar? We are already seeing the deterioration of society caused by so much dependence on smartphones instead of live communication.
“During this time, it was also reveled to me that our nation would go through some very difficult problems, almost to the point of no return, but Christians all across the country started praying and taking action to turn it around. Some were persecuted for their stance, yet it did not stop the Christians from moving forward.” (pp 70-71) This almost seems like a prediction of what we have just experienced the last few years. It is encouraging to see that, from heaven’s point of view, the prayers of the Christians in this nation are effective. Keep it up!!!
Ivan then describes more about heaven and what he says is consistent with what the other fifty eyewitnesses said that I reported in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination.
Some of the future events he saw in 1978, are coming to pass now. This includes evil lying forces taking over the Democratic party to deceive people into thinking the answer is more socialism, which will only lead to a one party autocratic state, not what the people would be expecting. Also he saw a rising acceptance of the LGBTQ+ agenda leading to pedophilia, sex slavery, children being deceived and taken into sex service, and more sexual sins God hates. He also saw that the Christians will rise up in opposition to all of this and save the country. Perhaps the national election of 2024, with the miraculous divine intervention in the Butler, PA, attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Maybe the swamp will get drained this time. He also saw more devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in Japan is one, but there will others even worse, up to 9.5 and even 12.5 on the Richter scale. A volcano will erupt in Yellowstone so massive the climate in the tropics will be affected and the ash cloud will cover Canada and two-thirds of the United States. Before it happens the regular geysers in Yellowstone will no longer be regular. My theory is that as the magma pushes up it will partially block the geysers’ channels leading to their disruption. So when you see Old Faithful no longer being faithful, it will be time “to get the heck out of Dodge”, or rather out of Cheyenne and all of Wyoming!
There is much more he says, that I cannot copy here, so I encourage you to read Ivan Tuttle’s whole book A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back. As Jesus said in Lafonda Jackson’s Youtube video of Astred Langworth I described in Blog post #97, this is not to scare anyone but to encourage all God’s children to be alert and fully prepared to love and trust God through all of this. He will always love and sustain us.
I will leave you with a quote from the end of Chapter 8: “Once you have actually been to heaven, you have a different outlook on life than anyone else. You understand things differently and see things others cannot. Your passion for life and people is magnified when you come back, and you have an understanding and compassion you never had before. You know how important it is to talk to people and win souls to the Lord, because after you die, it is too late.
“I was given several gifts in heaven, but the most awesome gift any of us can ever have and the only gift you can take with you to heaven is—Love!” (pp 88-89) He also says, page 95,”I am not trying to get religious on you, I am trying to save your life.”
I and nearly all of you reading this, have never been to heaven, but I think knowing the testimonies of all those in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination and others like Ivan Tuttle, can give us some of the same wisdom and spiritual knowledge they have as a result of seeing heaven and Jesus directly. I know that is true for me. Yet there is much more that awaits us as we walk with Him here and someday meet Him in the air or walk the streets of heaven with Him. Then we will experience that Love intimately forever.
Thank you for this post. I will be ordering Mr. Tuttle’s book. The many reviews on Amazon rate it quite highly. My thoughts are completely in accord with yours regarding these troubling times, although we may be seeing the dawn of a beautiful new day as of November 5, 2024.