Having read all of the accounts I share in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, the main thing that impresses me most is how deep and full and unfathomable and infinite is God’s love for us. “You can’t belieeeeve how much God loves us”, as Colton Burpo said. Heaven captures all of Earth’s beauty and more besides. The fact that we are perfectly and permanently healed there eliminates many problems with Earth life. Since Satan is banished from Heaven there are no evil temptations and all relationships are based on love and respect devoid of any selfishness or pride. You can’t belieeeeve how wonderful all relationships there are, especially our relationship with the Father and the Son. We have joyful work to do there based on all the abilities and interests God gave us for our ministry on Earth. We will continue there serving others in the way we have been here. All will be done as gifts of love to one another. There is no money or payment in heaven; all God has given us is totally free out of His love for us, and all we do there is also a free gift of love to others.
Sinful man desires totalitarian control so he can establish utopia on Earth where all will be equal (possibly by eliminating anyone who disagrees) and everything will be shared so there is no want or need. Unfortunately, all attempts that have succeeded in giving this kind of control have fallen way short of a true utopia because man’s sinful rebellious nature precludes being able to do on his own what only God can do. All those attempts, Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., have resulted in misery rather than utopia. But God has already prepared for us the life we only dream of. Yet forces are at work to take what God has done in this country and world and turn it into a totalitarian “utopia” of man’s doing. Last days prophecies in the Bible tell us of terrible things that will happen as Satan’s antichrist gains control and attempts to replace all God has done with man’s own flawed systems.
But God reveled to us what awaits us in heaven so we will be prepared to trust Him more than we do now. So the Satanic control of those who seek to dominate others here and in the whole world is doomed. This is what is told to us through the ancient prophets of Israel, through Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, and through Revelation. However, Satan’s doom and the rule of Jesus in the world will be preceded by difficulties and hardships not seen before. We are reminded several times in Revelation to have patient endurance and faithfulness. We are also promised that God will be with those who are faithful to Him. Remember how He fed the Israelites when they wandered in the desert for forty years, how He provided food for 5000 men plus women and children from just five loaves and two fish, and how the widow’s supply of flour and oil lasted much longer than possible to feed herself, her son, and Elijah, during a famine in Israel. He can and will take care of us when the antichrist requires us to take the mark of the beast in order to purchase food and anything we need and to receive compensation. We don’t need to know how He will but just the fact that He will and that we can fully trust Him.
This is one of the main messages we can get from the eyewitness testimonies in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. I believe Jesus told several of those witnesses to come back and tell His people what they had seen and experienced because He knows the time is short and He wants His people, those of us who will be a part of the last generation, to be prepared. I don’t think being prepared means stockpiling supplies, building our defenses, and other worldly preparations. I think He means for us to learn deeply how much we can trust Him and depend on Him in that time of crises, one worse than the world has seen and worse than anything that comes afterwards. So study God’s word for wisdom and a deeper understanding of who He is and what He plans to do for His loving followers. Share with one another so we can build each other up in the faith that will be required. Jesus did say for us not to plan what we will say to the authorities; the Holy Spirit will give the words we need at the time. (Mark 13:11, Like 21:14-15) Again it is a matter of trusting God rather than our own powers. Begin now turning to God in prayer for your needs rather than seeking human solutions. Other humans may be involved, but God will inspire them if we are fully trusting Him or give us supernatural guidance. It is the kind of trust and faith that George Müller had when he ran up to five orphanages in London in the nineteenth century without ever asking other people for anything. He always turned to God in prayer and God always supplied his need, even if it meant at the last minute. That is the kind of faith we will need in the coming days. Start working on it now.