Post 94: Rejection

Recently I made a mistake that led to total rejection. I was not given any opportunity to defend myself, explain the situation, and clarify my motives. I was accused of attitudes I didn’t have and behaviors of which I was not guilty. No one would listen to me to get my perspective. I was judged and that was final. All the previous good I had done was totally ignored. I was rejected and as good as dead as far as they (more than one, at least three) were concerned. No one stood up for me. I prayed and ask the Lord for help in dealing with this. He was silent. I was suffering under the injustice of it all. Finally, after wondering about my own worth in this world, although I know God has a good place for me and is using me to His glory apart from this, I heard Him say, “I know”.

He reminded me He had suffered the same thing, only worse, for me. He was misunderstood, accused of false motives, and was judged unworthy to be alive. He was given a chance to defend himself, but He knew His accusers would not change their attitude no matter what He said, so He remained silent before His accusers. All the previous good He had done was ignored. No one stood up for Him. The crowd that had rejoiced with His arrival on Palm Sunday had turned into “crucify him!” by Friday. But His suffering on my behalf went much further. Besides being misjudged and ridiculed, He was physically beaten; I was not. He was condemned to death; I was not, although as far as my accusers are concerned I no longer exist.

The pain has not gone away, but I know God is healing me. He accepts me fully and has completely forgiven all the errors I have done. They have all been wiped from my record in His archives in heaven; they are remembered no more, unlike my earthly accusers. Hopefully soon I will acquire His perspective on my life and the abuse I have suffered will not matter any more. Will that be a day, a month, or years? I think it is just a matter of days maybe even today, that I will gain the confidence that I am righteous before the Lord and am fully accepted as I am by Him. Will the hurt go away as quickly? Probably not, but it will be a reminder of how he was hurt emotionally and physically for me.

The days are coming where we, God’s loyal followers, will suffer similar abuse. We will be judged for not following the world’s agenda. Following God will be subject to rejection, judgment, and perhaps even imprisonment or execution. Jesus promised this. [Matt 24:9] The End Times will not be easy because Satan will not intend they be easy but harsh on those that love and serve God. Jesus said we must pick up our cross and follow Him. So today I have had to pick up a cross and carry it with me. But Jesus took my cross on His cross with Him, so I am free of my burden, but not free from harassment and rejection by the world. We will need God’s presence in our lives to stand up for what is right in the face of evil. Be encouraged my friend. We serve a God who loves us far more than we can imagine, and certainly much more than the world around us.

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