Post 93: God Hasn’t Given Up on America, Neither Should We

A friend sent me a link to a remarkable presentation by Jonathan Cahn, He shows how the attempted assassination of Donald Trump fulfills the ancient Jewish rite of the anointing of the priest in amazing detail. It gives me hope that God has not given up on America for all her rebellion against him, and it is time for repentance and revival. That is what we should be doing and praying so we can be God’s hands and feet to make revival happen.

Go to and add /watch?v=5vKDJ082oVs to get to the video. (I didn’t want to put the actual link here in case the whole thing would get censored.)

There are many other things that show God’s provision and protection in this event. I think it is a very positive sign that we will see God orchestrate a victory over Satan in the way Satan has deceived and misled so many people in this country. It is time for a great revival and a return to our roots in faithfulness to our loving Creator.

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