Post 91: The Fall of a Great Nation

I am going to share some things with you that are the result of listening and learning for many years. I cannot give you all the sources at this time, but perhaps someone can research this to provide those references.

Recently someone pointed out to me that all the great nations of the world collapsed from internal pressures in about 250 years. (I have not verified this statement.) That includes the Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman. The 250th anniversary of the United States, the most freedom granting, God honoring, prosperous, benevolent nation ever to exist, will be July 4, 2026.

I believe the fall of the United States began with the Warren Supreme Court in the 1960s. The court was composed of a majority of justices who were more commited to a certain philosophy than to the Constitution as written, and handed down several decisions that went against precedence and against lower court rulings. It was also the time of Madeline Murray O’hare, an atheist who was determined to impose her atheistic agenda on everyone else. In a number of decisions the Supreme Court overturned lower court decisions against Ms O’hare and granted her the outcomes to which she aspired, which had to do with eliminating any reference to God in the schools, in spite of the fact that this nation was founded “under God with liberty and justice for all.” From that point on, the liberty to acknowledge God has become inceasingly more limited.

Things have deteriorated since then with more decsions and government actions based on establishing an atheistic view on the nation. Then along came Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both of whom studied “community organizing” under Saul Alinsky and have since been working toward implementing Karl Marx’s ideas even though they were not Saul Alinsky’s foundation, they just served as motivation for achieving different goals even beyond those of Marx himself. The goal is the transformation of the United States from a democratic republic into a one-party totalitarian state where the elite who run the country benefit at the expense of the rest of the population. Under Obama and now Biden (his puppet) we have seen the increased use of mail-in ballots as a way to turn an election into the “preferred outcome” rather than the will of the majority, the increased use of government censorship against opponents and opposing ideas, the misuse of the justice system to eliminate dissidents but allow hardened criminals to go free, and numerous other actions that have served to increase the cost of living for everyone except the elites, to reduce our military advantage and leave us vulnerable, make us dependent on our less favorable nations for our energy needs, allow millions of people of unknown background and intent to invade our country simply so those who ascribe to the one-party rule can gather enough new votes to achieve their end. Too many of these invaders are now increasing the demands and dangers in our once safe communities, bringing fatal drug addictions into our country, and some probably with intentions to do violence to our country as terrorists.

I have seen Biden claim we need to support him rather than Trump to avoid going backward and to continue moving forward as we have done with his administration. Do we really want to move forward in the transformation of this country into a communist type totalitarian socialist system that has already been tried numerous times throughout the world with disasterous consequences in every instance rather than go back to the principles upon which this nation was founded?

We are at a crossroads in this nation. It is of utmost importance that the American citizens recognize what has been happening and abort it before there is no turning back. The time is now or lose this nation and its freedoms forever like the Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman kingdoms were lost. Quit believing the lies of the Far Left who are the elites wanting you as their servants. Quit following the Father of Lies and instead the One who created you and has more love for you than you can imagine and who can only speak Truth.

I read recently that in a number of polls Trump would out perform all other Democratic opponents except Michelle Obama, who has no desire to be president. Consider the following scenario: The Democratic party, recognizing they may not be able to take over this country by legal voting and the number of illegal voting required might exceeded the capabilities of pulling it off, approaches Michelle Obama as a last ditch effort to take over this country, and persuades her to run as the Democratic candidate for president with her husband as the vice-president. Then after she has been sworn in she can resign and let her vice-president husband take over as president. We get Barack Obama as president again so he can finish the job of turning this country into a communist-style dictatorship, where all freedoms are lost and the U. S. Constitution is ruled (by executive order) to be null and void. Do you think it could happen? Are you prepared to do what you can to avoid it? Are you prepared to live in the country that would result from this? Do you think Barack Obama could be the antichrist the Scripture tells us will rise to power before the end with the Great Tribulation and Jesus’ return?

We know from Scripture that the end and Jesus’ return is imminent, we just do not know the exact time. Things it tells us will happen, we can see happening. But I am not prepared to believe that the United States of America we have loved and which came into being through the guidance and desire of God must die in the process of the rise of the antichrist. So I am joining with many others in praying for the survival of our nation, praying forgiveness for the sins of the nation as Daniel prayed forgiveness for the sins of Israel from the palace in Bagdad. God is bigger and more powerful than Satan, and if enough of us repent and stand with Him He will protect us as He has others we read about in the Bible. But if we do not repent as a nation and He allows Satan to have his way, I personally will seek the patient endurance and faithfulness called for in Revelation to bear what I will need to bear. How about you?

1 thought on “Post 91: The Fall of a Great Nation”

  1. Dr. Jacques: Scripture tells us what will happen yet so many seem to be blind to those truths. Your comments on the 10 year timeframe appears extremely possible, which is so exciting , however very scary in terms of what the world will go through. It’s hard to think of your suggested decline if we have President Trump in office again. That makes me think your Obama scenario could be accurate. I do not like the Obama’s and as someone who is lived in metropolitan Washington, DC for 50 years I don’t want them in our daily headlines. Trusting the Lord Jesus and focusing on His love and promises is the only way to get through this time. Waking up daily to see this world upfront in our faces in DC is a horrible reality, but Jesus will have His Way!!!

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