Post #90: The Types of Angels in Heaven

The Types of Angels in Heaven, by Jacques LaFrance, Ph.D.

Chapter 23 in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination gives what different eyewitnesses of heaven said about the angels they saw. I will summarize the types of angels they mentioned and something about them. There are many types of angels with different function and appearance. They all appear masculine but are neither male nor female. They are genderless beings. Some have wings; some do not. Since angels can go wherever they want any time and at any speed, they do not usually use their wings to fly, but they are frequently folded in front in an act of worship. Howard Storm saw beams of light rising from the angel’s shoulders. These could have been mistaken for wings.

Children and people from Earth who end up there are not angels, but are always beings created in God’s image. Angels are separate creations and are not created in God’s image. Humans in God’s kingdom are very respected by the angels because we are created in God’s image, higher in esteem than the angels themselves. Only humans, not angels (except those who followed Lucifer instead of God), are subject to sin, so humans who are victorious over sin (by having accepted Jesus sacrificial gift of salvation for us) have dealt with something the angels have not experienced, and as a result, they respect our experience and victory over sin.

The most common type of angel is the accompanying angel. This includes the guardian angel everyone has, who has been assigned to us from birth (or maybe from conception) and is with us until he takes us to heaven. We are occasionally accompanied by more angels than just our guardian angel. This happens when we are facing something more serious that merits having more accompanying angels with us. Several people who visited heaven were accompanied by two angels, each with a different purpose. It has been reported that some have seen several angels around them when they have lain in a hospital bed.

The next most significant type of angel is the warrior angel. These angels are huge and very powerful. They have a scabbard but one person said they do not have any weapons, because they ARE the weapons. Richard Sigmund said no demon could ever stand up to them. He also saw a dozen warrior angels going somewhere, and his accompanying angel said they were marching into his future when he would need them.

It is important to note that angels take their instructions from the Father or the Son, not from you. You should never pray to your angel and ask for something. If you need anything, speak to the Father in prayer, and He will assign angels to meet your need according to His own perfect will, which frequently includes things of which you are not currently aware that impact your prayer concern. But remember, He has created you in His image and He loves you far more than you can ever imagine, so no matter how He responds to your prayer, you can be assured it is His very best for you.

Beyond these types of angels there are many others with specific duties. There is the angel (or angels) at the gates of heaven that look in the Book of Life for your name to see if you are allowed in. There are angels that take care in heaven’s nursery of babies and infants who have died. There are angels who appear as human that come to our aid in situations here. Two such instances of which I am aware are of a navy pilot who took off with his squadron from Honolulu headed to San Francisco, but lost sight of the other planes, and then saw a plane above him upside down with the pilot looking at him. He looked at his instruments and saw he was upside down headed for the ocean. He quickly righted his plane and regained altitude and barely made it to his destination. But air traffic control said there was never another plane in his vicinity. The other story is two women were traveling in west Texas where their car broke down in the middle of nowhere. A pickup came along and two men got out and fixed their car. The women thanked them and got back in their car, but the pickup was nowhere to be seen.

There are tall angels that keep the detailed records of your (and everyone’s) life. Everything you have ever done, good or bad, is there along with all of the events of your life. How you thought and felt are included as well as how well you gave to the Lord and to others. Your attitudes in all you have done or thought are recorded. The archive building is huge with more books stacked up than you can imagine, and Richard Sigmund said he couldn’t imagine how God could keep such detailed records on every person who has ever lived. No one was allowed to see their record except in part because some future events are already recorded and you are not allowed to know your future. Roland Buck was allowed to see the record of Abraham, but not his own. He saw things that were not recorded in Scripture like Abraham and Sarah’s generosity with travelers, but he also saw some things he knew from the Bible record, such as when Abraham lied to Pharaoh about Sarah being his sister, that were not in the record. The angel told him God’s records do not include any failures or sins after we have repented. They are wiped from the record. Some others actually witnessed a recording angel wiping someone’s record with a red cloth. He was told that person had just accepted Jesus and His forgiveness and the angel was wiping all record of his sins from the archives, so even God cannot find them any more. The red cloth symbolized the blood of Jesus.

Howard Storm said the main feature of angels is their compassion. This was the case with Colton Burpo who had angels sing to him in the hospital to comfort him. We are told there are many more types of angels serving God to minister to us in many ways. This is just a sampling.

1 thought on “Post #90: The Types of Angels in Heaven”

  1. So amazing the love of the Father and so amazing that He documents every single thing!!! It’s mind blowing to me because I cannot even ‘begin’ to fathom all God truly is!!!!!!!!!!!!

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