My novella, A Walk Through Heaven, is now available from for $6.00 for paperback or $4.00 for the eBook. Here is the description on the cover: “I wake up one morning out of my body, confused, but notice some wonderful changes in me. Then my guardian angel takes me to heaven where he and another angel take me on a walk to learn many things about heaven, including the people there, the wall and gates described in Revelation, the plants, waters, children, animals, pets, and many different magnificent buildings, including the throne and mansions. The last thing is an awesome meeting with Jesus. He tells me to go back and write about all I have seen and share it with his people so they can be ready for his very soon return. I end up back in my body wondering what happened. All the heaven descriptions are from eyewitness testimony recorded in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. This book will help you imagine your own experience in heaven or that of a departed loved one. It is a personalized and condensed version of the more complete Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. It is an easy and entertaining read that has the potential to bless you (make you want to read the larger more complete volume!)” It does not replace Heaven Is Beyond Imagination because the latter has far more content than this novella. But by making a personal journey of much of what is learned from the other book, perhaps some readers will be able to profit from this shortened version. I think it is a delightful read as well as a brief introduction to the message of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination.