Post #67 The Mark of the Beast

I have been suggesting in the last two years that the mark of the beast, mentioned in Revelation, in my opinion will likely be a microchip implanted in the hand or forehead. This is technology that John would not have even thought of two thousand years ago and God could not have communicated it to him based on John’s limited experience. But it makes perfect sense in today’s world. Such an implant would eliminate the need for cash and credit or debit cards. It would eliminate the crime that comes with stealing people’s money or their card information. In addition to eliminating crime, it would make all financial transactions safe and secure.

Then just two days ago I read the following article:

It tells the story of a woman who got an implant in her hand so she would not have to use keys to get into her house. Then she discovered she could pay for her groceries at the market by just waving her hand over the sensor. It was very exciting and satisfying to her.

Is this the first phase of the mark of the beast? How long will it be before a self-serving autocratic government requires such implants of everyone and cash and credit or debit cards are no longer useful in doing financial transactions? You will not be able to buy or sell without this new microchip in your hand (or forehead). This would fulfill Revelation’s predictions that you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

It is easy to see how the unaware majority will not recognize the major problem, that this implanted chip will be mean loyalty to Satan and a commitment to believe and follow him. It will seem like a good thing initially but the ties to Satan will only be apparent when it is too late.

Besides allowing financial transactions to occur between parties, the chip will enable other communication between parties. It will be possible for that chip to contain GPS technology and send the information back to some monitoring facility aka Big Brother. The government will know everything you do and where you go. Computer technology will become so fast and capable with artificial intelligence that it can process all these signals from everyone. All it takes is for a demonic authoritarian government to know and control everything you do. Freedom will be a thing of the past. Is this far fetched? Having been involved in the computer field as long as I have, I know the capability is already there. All it takes is for a government that wants you to believe everything it says, no alternate opinions will be allowed, no freedom of the press, no freedom of free speech, no freedom to protect yourself. Do you see any signs that it is possible for such a government to take over the United States of America?

I encourage all believers to read Revelation 13:16 to 14:10 with this microchip technology in mind. The believer must fully know that he or she is in God’s hands and He will not let anyone of His people down. He fed the Israelites in the desert for 40 years. He fed the 5000 men plus women and children with just five loaves and two fish. He caused the widow of Zeraphath’s flour and oil to last for many days to feed herself, her son, and Elijah. He can and will do it for His faithful in the time of tribulation when the antichrist is in power and determined to wipe out all of God’s people. You must know without any doubt that God loves you so much that He will protect you from all Satan’s onslaught. But please, whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST and suffer what Revelation 14:9-10 says. Also do not be misled to believe you will be taken out before all this happens. YOU MUST BE GROWING YOUR FAITH NOW TO TRUST YOUR FATHER NO MATTER WHAT. Revelation tells us that we must have patient endurance and faithfulness during that time. Read God’s Word, pray, and allow God to refine you so you can survive on your faith in Him when “all hell breaks loose”. God is more powerful than Satan and will ultimately win. (I have read the end of the book!) And remember, no one can kill you. You have been given eternal life when you accepted Jesus. All the enemy can do to you is separate your spirit from your body and enable you to be more alive and joyful than you have ever been when in hour body.

Have faith. We can and will endure because God’s love for us is so powerful. Stand up for your brothers and sisters and help them have victorious faith before which Satan cannot stand. I love you.

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