In Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, nothing much is said about meeting a spouse. The only account I have is that of Jeff Olsen. He and his family were involved in a rollover accident in which he, his wife, and infant son were all killed. After dying at the accident, he found himself in heaven with his wife. It was great and he wanted to stay but couldn’t. Here is the quote of his story from Heaven Is Beyond Imagination:
He was in a different place, a place of joy and light, and his senses were magnified to a much greater degree. The place felt real and he didn’t hurt. It felt like his real home. He saw and felt Tamara right beside him. She was alive and more powerfully present than just her physical presence. She was crying and upset, but Jeff could not figure out what happened since he felt alive and not dead. Where were the boys? Then Tamara said, “You can’t stay here. You have to go back. You can’t be here.” Crying she said, “You can’t come. You cannot stay.” He still couldn’t figure out what was happening, but he knew he did not want to leave this place of joy in the presence of his dear wife. She continued insisting he had to go back for their eldest son, who had not died. He told her he loved her and realized the truth of what Tamara was saying and returned to this life. (page 218)
The only other mentions of couples were seeing grandparents. Most just saw them and didn’t have any interaction. Richard Sigmund met his grandparents at their mansion in heaven. Here is what he said of his encounter: “he met his grandfather and grandmother sitting on the front porch. This house was their heavenly home! He fell down on his knees being amazed at the blessing of his grandpa. Then he noticed that his grandfather looked like he was only in his late twenties or early thirties, even though he was ninety-seven when he’d died. Now, he and Grandma were in perfect health”. (page 161)
I think the reason there are so few testimonies is that God does not have spouses return to earthly life after they meet their previously departed spouse. So therefore we have no testimonies of meeting a spouse in heaven. This is actually good news, because you can count on being with your beloved spouse forever when you get there.
However what is very clear from all the witnesses is that heaven is about relationships. First of all, it is about our relationship with the Father and the Son. That relationship dominates everything. But our relationships with each other go beyond what we have experienced here. We are going to have wonderful relationships there that just build on the ones we have here. So it is clear to me that the relationship you had with your wife or husband will be there in heaven but more complete than it ever was here. There is no marriage because there are no genitals, no sex, and no pregnancies, and therefore, no need for a marriage relationship and how it is important to a godly family and the raising of godly children. But the love, joy, togetherness, companionship, and other aspects of your relationship will be there for you in heaven in greater measure than you have here.
That is my opinion from what I have read from these eyewitnesses. Rejoice in the relationships you have built here. Those will be your treasures in heaven, especially the one you have with your wife or husband. That is what heaven is all about. If you have had multiple spouses, I don’t know what you can expect. Except that in some mysterious way all your relationships in heaven will better than they were here. If you have loved multiple wives or husbands you will have a loving relationship with each of them there. I can’t say if you will be sharing your mansion with someone. I also don’t have anything to say if you have had a bad marriage, except that nothing bad ever goes to heaven. If there is any good in those relationships, that much will be there. If your spouse never accepted redemption by the blood of Jesus, he or she will not be there. There is much that remains to be learned when we get there. This is the best I can tell you from the evidence I have seen.