Post #50: Hand and Glove, Spirit and Body

The spirit fits the body like a hand fits a glove. When the hand is in the glove, the glove is animated and active, but when it is not, the glove is lifeless. So it is with the spirit and body. When your spirit occupies your body, you are alive and active. But when the spirit leaves the body, the body is lifeless. The hand is the life of the glove and goes on independently of the glove. So, too, the spirit is the life of the body and lives on independently of the body.

You can go to a store and buy a replacement for a worn-out glove. But there is no generic body. God makes our body and spirit together to be unique for each individual. Visitors to heaven report that their spirit body in heaven looked exactly like their physical body except that all blemishes, missing pieces, and aging were fully restored. A few visitors reported experiencing sliding back into their bodies. May Neal heard someone giving her CPR say, “Breathe Mary, breathe.” Her spirit then slid back into her body (it was a perfect fit) and she took a breath. Then her spirit left again and returned to heaven. This happened two or three times before the spirit didn’t leave again after the last time and she recovered her physical life.

Your spirit cannot occupy any other body just as your hand can’t fit in a wrong-sized glove. Nor can any other spirit occupy your body. (Except for demon possession in which the evil spirit doesn’t fully occupy the body like the spirit designed for the body. It just lives there to cause havoc.) If your physical body is destroyed, your spirit cannot return to it or to any other. Miraculous healings of damaged bodies have been reported that have allowed the spirit of that body to return, but ultimately accidents, disease, or aging claims all of our bodies. Then our spirit lives on forever in the perfect state in which God created it.

P.S. Visitors to hell reported seeing that the spirits that have gone there experienced the destruction of their spirit bodies as well.

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