Post #48: God in the End Times

Jesus told several of the eyewitnesses to heaven to come back and tell His people what He showed them to get His people ready for His soon return. Heaven Is Beyond Imagination puts all of these testimonies together to give you a more complete picture of what Jesus has shown them.

I think getting ready for His soon return means to get a grip on how deep is God’s love for us, it is beyond imagination. We know He loves us, Jesus showed us that. But that is a mere drop in the bucket of the extent of God’s love. Look at all He has prepared for those who love Him: fabulous beauty, amazing mansions, fantastic food, complete healing and wholeness, and peace, love, relationships more than you can imagine. And all of this with no cost to us or required work. It is completely and totally a free gift from the Father out of His deep love for us.

But God is the same, yesterday, and forever. What He showed us in Scripture and in these witness reports is part of that eternal unchanging nature of God. What Jesus did as reported in Scripture and what eyewitnesses have reported God has done for us are all parts of God’s universal nature.

This becomes an important part of getting ready for Jesus return because in the meantime, we must have “patient endurance and faithfulness” as reported in Revelation when God pours His wrath on the unrepentant world, hoping to get them to repent before it is too late. Hard times are coming and we are already seeing signs that faithfulness to God will not be tolerated in the work place. Many people have already lost their jobs because of being faithful to God. How are you going to buy groceries and eat when you don’t take the mark of the beast, which is a sign of loyalty to him instead of to God? We have not seen the antichrist yet, but we are already seeing the government make life-changing demands on us that are costing people their jobs.

The key has to be that we become so ingrained in God’s love that we know we can trust Him to protect and provide for His elect, as He says in Scripture, when the world around us is saying we have to follow the government (antichrist’s) edicts. Just as Jesus fed the five thousand and the four thousand, allowed the widow’s flour and oil to multiply daily to feed her, her son, and Elijah, had birds bring food to Elijah in the cave, and provided wine for a wedding, so He will provide all we need. He will protect us just like He protected the Israelites from the plagues sent on Egypt, and provided food and water for their journey in the desert.

It is going to be difficult to stand up for what is right and for faithfulnees to God, but our eternal security depends on it. We must not allow the lies and deceptions of the antichrist and his minions to mislead us into doubting God. A deeper knowledge of God from these eyewitness reports will allow us to learn more from Scripture and have the spiritual strength to remain faithful to God and trust Him like never before. He will provide for us! We have to know that without any doubt and trust Him completely when it looks impossible.

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