Today I will share one of the most interesting things I learned in my research for Heaven Is Beyond Understanding. Revelation 19:6-9 tells us, “Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.’ (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) Then the angel said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he added, ‘These are the true words of God.’” Two of the eyewitnesses I read saw the preparations for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
First, Richard Sigmund in My Time in Heaven: A True Story of Dying…and Coming Back, copyrighted in 2004, said, “Then Jesus turned to me and said to the angels [accompanying him], ‘Take Richard to My marriage supper feast, and let him see it. It is almost ready.’ I was there before I could even think.
“I saw a building that was very tall. It had arched supports and columns that were about fifty feet apart. The tables where the feast was to be held were made of gold and inlaid with jewels. These tables were lined with chairs that looked like kings’ thrones. That is how they appeared to me, and I have no other words to explain the beautiful way they were constructed. The pavilion was about twenty miles long in my best estimation. There were three rows of tables in a racking semicircle, with a throne in the background.
“Each chair had a name engraved on the inside of the back. I asked when they had been engraved, and the Lord said, ‘When their names were recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life.’
“I grew silent and bowed my head with complete gratitude. Then I raised my head and looked ahead of me. In that same instant I saw my name engraved on one of the chairs. [Others have testified that our vision is vastly superior there, and we can see things clearly miles away.] I wanted so much to sit in that chair, but Jesus said, ‘Not yet, it will be sat in for the first time when my Father says, “Sit at the marriage feast of my Son.” A virgin shall be given, and a virgin feast shall be given to a virgin Groom.” And again I wept with great joy.
“There were goblets filled with sweet nectar from heaven. A golden dish was filled with heaven’s best. Everything was prepared to perfection. The marriage was ready for the Groom to make His entrance. There was room enough for multiplied millions of people.”
Then Dawn Cypret reported the following, recorded in Heaven Is Closer Than You Think…The Dawn Cypret Story, by Mary May copyrighted in 2018. “The next thing that Jesus shows me is another building off in the distance. This one is very grand and majestic in design. Much like a cathedral or a castle, it is both extremely long and tall. I have noticed in most of the buildings that I have seen pearls or gems have been incorporated in with the building material. Everything gleams and glimmers with jewels. On Earth people would be trying to pry out the precious stones, but in heaven you don’t have that worry. Everyone just enjoys the beauty.
“As we approach the grand building, I notice there is a long line of people stretching as far as I can see waiting to go inside. Jesus and I walk straight to the front of the line and go right in. Once inside I can tell we are in a very elegant dining hall. I would not be overestimating the size to say that you could fit several football fields inside this room. It is massive beyond anything I can describe. The design and architecture inside are simply mind-blowing. Beautiful and elegant simply don’t really describe it. It is both of those things many times over! The ceiling soars high above the shiny marble floors, and all along the walls are tall, stained glass windows that let in multi-colored beams of light.
“Long tables, all covered with pristine white tablecloths, are being set with the finest gold china and crystal stemware. All along the tables are beautiful floral centerpieces and golden candelabra. I notice that someone is starting to light the candles, and that strikes something deep within my spirit because one thing I know is the very last thing you do before your guests arrive is light the candles.
“’The banquet is being prepared for all my children to come home,’ Jesus tells me as I gaze in absolute wonder at the incredible scene that is before me. Everyone is bustling around and doing whatever job they are assigned to do. I can feel the excitement and anticipation in the air. Jesus doesn’t say anything else, but I know He is showing me this for a reason. I can tell by simply looking that everything is nearly done, and the feast will be ready soon…very…very soon!”
Perhaps you can feel that excitement yourself as you read these two testimonies. The time of Jesus return is imminent in God’s timing. Jesus told many of the eyewitnesses to His kingdom I have referenced in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination that they are to tell His people what he has shown them so they can be ready. Are you ready? Consider that Richard Sigmund and Dawn Cypret were shown the same preparations but in the 14 years between them the candles are being lighted. The time of Jesus return is apparently closer than we can imagine. Ask God what He would have you do to be ready and pray diligently for those you know who have not yet accepted Jesus’ forgiveness and are in danger of missing the banquet and feast.