I thought I would write a post about Christmas in heaven, but there is no Christmas in heaven as we know it here, because the Christ Child is the Prince of Peace and is always with everyone. Songs of praise like the angels sang to the shepherds are constant in heaven. Richard Sigmund said he remembers them singing “The King Is Coming,’” but there it was “The King Has Come.” They don’t celebrate His coming because He has already come and gained the victory.
So instead, I will write about babies in heaven in honor of the Babe in a manger 2000+ years ago. Some of what I say here was in Children in Heaven, but here I will focus on babies, those who died soon after childbirth or died in the womb from either natural or unnatural causes.
The witnesses testify from their observations that life begins at conception. Any child, who dies after conception until the age of accountability, eight to ten, after which he or she is accountable for sin, is in heaven in God’s care.
The angel took Mary K. Baxter to a hospital where a woman was having a miscarriage. The moment the miscarriage occurred the two angels that were with her caught the baby’s spirit and put it in a basket and closed the lid. They lifted their hands in praise to God and then back through the gate into heaven with Mary and her angel following. They set the basket on the throne and bowed amid shouts of “Glory!” “Hallelujah!” and “Praise God!” The hand of God came out of the glory cloud around the throne and opened the basket, lifting the little baby out and laying it on the altar. He then worked it with His hands and a perfect human form appeared that became a handsome young man. Angels bring all lost babies to God when they die and in heaven they are loved and become perfect beings. He makes their bodies whole and restores any parts that are missing so they have perfect bodies.
Khalida Wukawitz also saw children under the age of six in heaven. Some of them were the results of their mothers getting an abortion, others died of sickness or murder. All of them were at Jesus’ feet and were peaceful, healthy, and happy, not a single sad face. Richard Sigmund saw nurseries in heaven where angels or people cared for these babies. They didn’t stay babies very long. Matthew Payne said children who die before they are eight or ten are considered innocent and go directly to heaven. The children are hoping their mothers will accept and follow Christ so they will come to heaven and be with them. Angels give excellent care for each baby. The angels sing to them and rock them, and the breath of God sustains them. They are raised in God’s perfect love and are filled with joy.
Jim Woodford saw a building with soft blue and pink light shining across it in alternating waves. The angel told him it is the nursery. It is for the maturing of the souls of aborted babies, miscarried babies, and children lost in their innocence. The light of God is in each one of them. Here they are raised to spiritual maturity to become what God intended them to be. They mature much faster here than on Earth, but he said it is difficult to explain the passing of time to maturity in a timeless place. The angel said they are very much like children on Earth.
Oden Hetrick said there is a room called the temple of instruction where children are taught. He said when children die this is where their angels take them. These are children who died in childbirth, in accidents, or in abortions. (I suppose sickness could be included also.) He said there are also rooms like a three-dimensional movie theater where they see things like the life of Christ as part of their education. They see Jesus hanging on the cross, and that grieves them.
Kat Kerr saw the nurseries in heaven and said they were very beautiful. Each baby had a bed that is like a seashell attached to the wall with his/her name above it. There were colorful ribbons for the girl babies and shields for the boy babies. The babies’ names are those given by his/her parents. If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion and don’t know whether it was a boy or girl, it is still important to give your child a name. You can give it both a girl’s and a boy’s name and in heaven the correct one will be associated with that baby.
She visited the Babies Play Pond, created by God as a place to care for miscarried and aborted babies and give them much love and fun. They can play on their own since heaven is perfectly safe, nothing can harm them, and they can do no harm. He made miniature daisy plants so the babies could pick pretty flowers with their little hands. He gave them bunnies, turtles, and butterflies that play with them, deer and kangaroos that give them rides, goldfish with which to swim, and dragonflies to tell them it is time to return to the nursery to be ready for a party with Jesus. They are never alone and many are staying with family members until the parents get there (assuming they do).
If you or someone you know has lost a baby, I hope this message gives you encouragement about your lost child. If you or someone you know had an abortion, that person can be at peace about it, knowing that her child forgives her, is being well cared for, and hopes to see his or her parents in heaven.