Many visitors report that one of the first things they experience is a green grassy hill. The grass is the most vibrant shade of green they have ever seen, and the grass is perfectly manicured. This is in spite of the absence of any lawn maintaining equipment. It is just naturally perfect with blades about three inches long.
Along with the hill, there are meadows of the same grass and many beautiful flowers dotting the meadows. The flowers also are perfect and rich in different colors. They turned their flower heads toward the visitors as they passed as if they were faces. Some heard the flowers making beautiful melodies and they had exquisite fragrances. Some were like Earth flowers but others were of a completely different species. A few persons saw beautiful friendly horses in some of the meadows.
There are also forests with magnificent trees, some much larger than Earth trees. Some were like western red cedar and some like walnuts, but many were different from any on Earth. Richard Eby saw a valley with symmetrical cedar trees on the foothills on both sides of the valley. Each tree was tall, graceful, unblemished, perfect, and a duplicate of all the others. Some of the leaves were huge and shaped like diamonds. None of the trees had any dead branches or leaves.
One tree Richard Sigmund saw was crystal clear and huge. He was told that it was a Diadem tree. Each leaf was shaped like a crystal chandelier teardrop. As the leaves brushed against one another in the gentle breeze, they made a continual beautiful sound of crystal chimes. As the sound emanated from a leaf, there was a glow when he touched the leaf. Each leaf and each limb of the entire tree gave off a tremendous glow with all the colors that were in the glory cloud, causing the tree to glow with sound and light, aflame with glory. The flame started in the root and went all the way up the tree and out through the branches to the chandelier-like leaves. The tree exploded in a beautiful lighted cloud of glory and an unbelievably beautiful sound. He said the Diadem tree was glorious.
He saw a tree that was like a walnut tree on Earth and was told to take one of the fruits, which was pear-shaped and copper-colored, and eat it. As soon as he picked it, in its place, another fruit grew instantly. When he touched the fruit to his lips, it evaporated and melted into a delicious juice that was like honey, peach juice, and pear juice. It was sweet, but not sugary. He said it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. His face was filled with juice from the fruit, and it immediately ran down his throat like honey.
He saw trees whose leaves were shaped like hearts and gave off a beautiful aroma. He was told to take a leaf and smell it. When he did, the moment he smelled the beautiful fragrance, he was strengthened.
In addition to the meadows, hills, valleys, and forests, there are mountains. The mountains are very high and majestic. Dale Black saw a range of majestic mountains that brought out reverence rather than a goal to climb them. None of the visitors explored any of the mountains but only enjoyed them from a distance. Richard Sigmund said there was snow on them that never melted even though the temperature was just right. It appears the landscapes of heaven are much like those on Earth but much grander.
The sky exhibits a range of colors. Marvin Besteman said the sky is the wildest blue you could ever imagine. The atmosphere was filled with color and light and the blue was not like any tint we find on Earth. He compared it with a tropical ocean bay, like in the Caribbean or Hawaii, on a bright day. Imagine the bluest tropical ocean bay and the blue in heaven is far beyond that. Rebecca Springer said there was a golden and rosy color everywhere, and the sky was like the afterglow of a Southern summer sunset. The witnesses generally report the sky being some shades of blue but also filled with many other beautiful colors. Dean Braxton said the sky is far more gorgeous than even the best sunset on Earth. It is bright because of the brightness of God and is golden, yellow, and white, with more colors going through it, resembling curtains moving in a breeze.
It appears you are going to enjoy fabulous landscapes there, beyond any you have ever experienced here.