One person asked me several times to tell what the eyewitnesses said about angels. So here it is, in case there are others who want to know more about angels from the testimony of eyewitnesses. First, the Scripture mentions lots about angels. I found that in the Bible there are ninety-five references to angels and what they do. You can check this out yourself with a concordance or an electronic Bible in which you can search for any mention of “angel” or “angels”, which is what I did. Since you can easily do this yourself, I will just focus on the eyewitness testimony, which amplifies what the Scripture says. So what have people actually seen of angels in heaven?
It was an angel or two that met at least six of the witnesses when they left their bodies and took them to heaven. An angel with a sword granted Dr. Gary Wood access to heaven. Several were accompanied by one or two angels who guided them in their visit to heaven and taught them.
Khalida Wukawitz was suddenly in heaven and saw angels saying, “Holy, holy, holy.” Kat Kerr said a band of angels took her to the throne room of God. She saw an angel carrying a beautiful vase that was given to Jesus. Jesus then took the vase and from it poured out his blood on the beautiful cloth on the alter and one by one words were wiped away: “fear,” “hate,” “disease,” “grief,” “murder,” “homosexuality,” “insanity,” “adultery,” “pain,” and many more, ending with “death”. When the blood hit each one there was a sizzling sound like water hitting something hot and the word disappeared. Finally after the last word, “death,” disappeared, God stood up, raised His arms, and shouted, “YES, It is finished!”
The music of heaven includes lots of choirs of angels singing praises. When Howard Storm was with Jesus, Jesus with a musical tone summoned some of the angels that were above the city. They came with a radiance that was brighter than the brightest light he had ever seen, but it did not hurt his eyes to look at them. Their radiance had a range of colors and an intensity he had not seen before. He says there are not words that can describe the colors of their radiance.
Angels appear to be robed in dazzling white garments of light and appear to be filled with light as everything there is. Tony Davis saw speckles of light going through the city and was told those are archangels. Crystal McVea said the angels with her radiated brightness and had long slender humanlike bodies. She felt love from them and knew they had always been with her through every tear and every decision. There was a wonderful, beautiful, nourishing sense of knowing between them.
Richard Sigmund was accompanied by two angels in his journey in heaven. The one on his right explained things and the one on his left, whom he thought was his guardian angel, which he had had since his birth, just reminded him frequently he had an appointment with God. He said the two angels worked in perfect harmony even with separate jobs. He saw different classes of angels. First were record-keeping angels, who wrote in God’s record book. They also record your name in the Lamb’s Book Of Life when you are saved.
Next were warring angels. They were huge muscular angels, maybe twenty feet tall and weighing nearly a ton with flaming swords, spears, and hands. They were not friendly like the other angels but were sent by the Holy Spirit to do warfare against Satan’s army to protect God’s children (us). They were lined up in file, waiting for commands to go and do battle. There were thousands of them. They and all angels only obey Jesus and the Father. They are sent to us when we speak Jesus’ name and ask for divine help. At one point he saw a group of fourteen warrior angels coming toward him from the Throne. He said the ground shook when they passed. His accompanying angels bowed in respect as they passed. Richard thought to himself that no demon could stand before them, and they could destroy an entire army of demons. He was told they were being sent into his future and would be there when he needed them.
Protecting angels are in charge of protecting us and have control of weather and other matters. While everyone has protecting angels, those who have been born again have legions of protecting angels. When we seek their help in the name of Jesus, they are there with power to do whatever is necessary to protect us. God has millions of angels that He dispatches for whatever need we have.
There are wisdom-giving angels. They go to the libraries of God’s wisdom and take wisdom to God’s children when they need wisdom. The Holy Spirit directs any of these angels to our aid when we speak in the name of Jesus.
Howard Storm said there are uncountable kinds of angels. They have different attributes and functions. One may accompany a person or a child; others may be responsible for a whole city. Some are protecting us from evil. They are everywhere and are constantly with us. They know what we think and feel. They have the Spirit of God and want to help us have faith and follow God’s will in our lives. They know they are servants of God and their desire is to serve Him. They do not want to be worshiped or have attention called to them. They are serving God and want all the recognition and credit and praise to go to Him. As God’s servants, they do not make mistakes. As His servants, they take their direction from Him not us. If we need the help of angels, we can ask God to send them to help us. It does no good to try to command them ourselves.