Scripture tells us about the River of Life flowing from the Throne of God. Several witnesses have seen the River of Life. Some saw it originating from under the throne. One saw four rivers flowing from the throne. Another saw two different liquids flowing under the throne. They flowed together but remained separate, no intermingling. One saw the river flowing through the Holy City and then out the East Gate. Oden Hetrick said the river flows out the east gate down to Earth and is the flowing of the Holy Spirit. The water is a brilliant blue or crystal clear and has golden and colored pebbles on the bottom. The water makes a tinkling musical sound, a praise to God. Most encountered the River of life at some point and saw and tasted the fruit growing on the trees beside the river. Some also saw multiple rivers and a lake and sea. The lake was crystal clear, clearer than the air, and beautiful. The sea had “conveyances” on it, boats powered by light and the power of God. Children were playing in and under the water and on the beaches. There are beautiful fountains throughout the Holy City with animated statues commemorating the complete life of Christ on Earth.
Rebecca Springer was guided in heaven by her brother-in-law. He took her to the River of Life and had her walk into it. She was concerned about getting her gown all wet and ruining it. He said not to worry. They kept going farther out and when she was up to her chin in water she expressed concern about drowning. He said, “We don’t do that here,” and encouraged her to keep going. She did, her head went under water, but she said she had no trouble breathing under water and didn’t drown. Remember from the blog on bodies, A Body of Evidence on Bodies, a physician, Richard Eby, observed his body was translucent and had no internal organs, and he saw there is no blood to transport the oxygen throughout the body. So if there are no internal organs and therefore no lungs, do we really breathe in heaven? Several witnesses talked about breathing there, but without lungs it must be a different sort of breathing, one that cannot inhale water. Others reported the same thing that they could breathe in the water.
Rebecca Springer spent some time playing with colorful rocks at the bottom of the river. When they decided to get out, she observed they had not brought any towels, so how would they dry off, and her hair and gown would be a mess. But when they got out of the water, she was dry, her gown was dry and soft and looked the same as before, and her hair was all in place and perfect. Others also experienced the same things with regard to the waters. One observed children playing and building castles at the bottom of the sea. Another enjoyed floating halfway between the surface and the bottom. Apparently our experience with water there is going to be a lot different from here, especially since it is impossible to drown there.
Dawn Cypret saw a waterfall. The one she saw was so tall she could not see from where it came. She said the water from the falls shimmers and sparkles with the colors of diamonds and opals. She scooped a handful of the water from the pool at the base of the falls and drank deeply. It was the best tasting water she had ever had and it was full of life and vitality. It was tingling through her body. Dr. Reggie Anderson’s patient Eunice said she was walking beside a cool stream and felt its icy water blowing onto her face. She drank from the stream, and the water was cold, fresh, and sweet. It tasted like honey. Betty Eadie also saw a waterfall. She said a melody of majestic music came from the waterfall.
When Rebecca Springer got out of the water she felt different. Her brother-in-law said that the water of the River of Life washes away all cares of earthly life and prepares one for his or her heavenly life. Oden Hetrick reported that the washing of the waters heals us from all past memories. The Spirit flowing in the river washes away the memories and scars of our sin so that in heaven there will be nothing bad in our memories or our experience there. When we repent, our sins are forgiven and wiped from the record in heaven. But the memories of those sins still affect us here. It is the washing of the waters of heaven that finally erases all those past memories that have plagued us. Richard Sigmund experienced a similar cleansing of Earth cares in an unidentified building in heaven. Another said being in the water vitalized him, invigorated him, and gave him strength. He drank some and found the water exhilarating and refreshing. Another lay on her back and felt her whole body healed from the water. Rebecca Springer also felt different after being in the waters of the sea. Her companion at that time told her that while the water of the river takes away the last of the Earth-life, the water of the sea fills one to overflowing with a shower of heavenly life. Jesus dipped his cupped hands in the water of the River of Life and poured it over Michael McCormack’s head, causing him to feel power come into him.
The waters of heaven have healing properties water here does not have. In addition, they are beautiful and very pleasant to the taste. We are going to enjoy the waters of heaven in ways we can’t imagine now.