For this blog I want to share with you how various eyewitnesses felt when they were in heaven. These will be quotes from my manuscript for Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. I thought of going back to all my sources and copying their quotes directly, but that would be more work than I can put in right now. For my book I have paraphrased what they said rather than quoting it to avoid any copyright infringements.
The universal experience of everyone being in heaven or being in the presence of Jesus in a dream or vision is of overwhelming love and peace and acceptance. Richard Sigmund said he experienced peace and tranquility there greater than any human has ever known on Earth. Dawn Cypret said one thing that is constant in heaven but rarely found on Earth is a constant peaceful happy feeling that caused her spirit to rejoice and know she was home. Another said there is total love, confidence, and peace, and everything is perfect, blissful; there is no fear, just total joy and peace and God’s love is so far beyond our experience here that our minds cannot fathom it. Another said it is being inside pure joy. We have no words to describe it; we have no context in which to understand it. Heaven defies depiction. Heaven is beyond imagining! Dale Black said as he was standing in the gate immersed in music, light, and love, vibrant life permeated everything. It was not just around him, it was in him. It was the most wonderful thing he has ever experienced. He said there is no pride, pretense, or selfishness in heaven. Heaven is not about what we get; it is all about God.
People who have had the chance to see what heaven is like don’t want to leave, and they do look forward to coming back. Experiencing the full dose of God’s love and peace seems perfectly normal there and magnificently limitless. Heaven is all about God. Kat Kerr adds that you are loved and accepted by everyone there, even including any who may have been enemies on Earth. There is no disobedience in heaven but the Spirit of God is very patient with us. Marietta Davis said there are no words that can accurately describe what she saw and experienced in heaven, the beauty, the perfection, the purity of thought. Steven Musick said that he felt absolutely held but at the same time absolutely free. Once you have felt being held in the arms of the Father, there is nothing else that you would want. It is an overwhelming wonderful sensation, being held tight but still completely free and secure. Heaven is a place of explosive peace that pursues you, moves toward you, and explodes in you. It is not passive, it is actively seeking you. It is not just a lack of conflict as we might think of peace here, it is something at a deep level that reassures us that all is well, everything is all right. Being there is a sense of a true home, total acceptance and belonging. One person’s heart leaped as this was that for which his spirit always longed. It was right and natural.
In heaven there is no thought of the past and thoughts of the future have no meaning. All one person wanted to do was stay right there in the present, he was so captivated by the sense of “now.” It is not that he had no sense of the past, but just that he was “totally present, totally joyful, totally here.” He had no thoughts of ever seeing his wife or parents again; he was totally occupied with the glorious present of the heavenly now.
Mary K. Baxter said everything in heaven is perfect. There are no flaws or faults in anything. The splendor and beauty of heaven is indescribable and wondrous to behold. You will be unbelievably happy there. Memories of home on Earth will be far away. There we have more than five senses, and they are all more refined than here. All the human emotions are present in heaven but are much deeper. Jeanne Enstad said life in heaven is glorious being in the presence of Jesus all the time. His love and grace are more than you can imagine, and He is always present. She also remembers heaven as a perfect place. The best part of heaven is the loving presence of God Himself.
The people were from every tongue and tribe, some walking arm in arm, some in family groups. Their faces showed the love and the joy of life in heaven. They all exhibited restful purpose, but it was not the worldly purposes of this life, like trudging off to work. The purpose they had showed up as joy and anticipation of delight. Some carried books, others musical instruments. All were wearing clothes of shimmering light. In spite of the beauty of the landscape, the parks, the streams, the city, the light, the music, and the love and joy that permeates everything, the greatest joy to Jim Woodford was being face to face with Jesus. Oden Hetrick said heaven is all about relationships and companionships, especially our relationship with Jesus. The relationships are perfect. We will enjoy fellowship with constant companions and the presence of Jesus. We will have companionship with relatives, loved ones and even those we haven’t met yet. Everyone is friendly and glad to see you coming.
The colors are richer and the sounds more melodious. The trees are bigger, the grass is greener, and the flowers are more beautiful. In addition, there is no death in heaven, no death of anything, leaves never fade and die, flowers never wither and die, even picked flowers continue to grow when dropped, the grass never turns brown, no animals die, and there is no death or sickness or pain or suffering. Nothing can ever harm you; you can’t drown, you can’t fall, you can’t even get a cold. No animal ever bites anyone or any being.,,