The first two parts to this answer are very straightforward. First, you have to solve the problem that heaven is perfect and nothing imperfect can be allowed in to spoil it. That means Satan and all his followers who rebelled against God’s authority are permanently banded from heaven. That also means you cannot be there either because you have rebelled against God by not keeping all of His commandments. You may have even directly denied His authority and existence. Fortunately, God has made a way for you that is not available to Satan and his followers. Since the penalty is spiritual death and separation from God, He Himself in the form of His Son Jesus, who had no imperfections or rebellion against His Father, yielded up His life as a ransom for ours. You can claim this gift by honestly admitting you have sinned and rebelled against God, choosing your own way to do things and believe, and asking Jesus for His forgiveness.
Once you satisfy the first requirement and get your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you have to die. This is the scary part. You don’t usually get to plan or rehearse this event. You might die suddenly in an accident, you might die from a lingering illness, you might get murdered, or you might just live long enough that everything eventually shuts down and quits working. The process leading up to the moment of death can be frightening and/or very painful. But the death itself happens easily and naturally and leaves you suddenly feeling more alive and pain free than you have ever been before. But here is the rub. You no longer have free will over what happens to you. You don’t get to decide where you are going or how you will get there. That will all happen to you without any input on your part.
Now we come to the third part. You have probably heard about going through a tunnel to a point of light. Well, that may be true, but the witnesses I have read in my research describe many different ways of getting there. Each person was taken a unique way and had no say about it. Some of them did travel in what seemed like a tunnel after they left their bodies. But some traveled a beam of light, some were in clouds or a fog until they arrived in heaven. Some were accompanied by friends, family, or angels. Some were just suddenly in heaven without any sense of travel. Two said they rode in some sort of transporter. One of these said she was in a red trolley-like vehicle.
So there you have it: all the scoop on getting to heaven. You have control of the first part, so do your best with it. Your control of the second is primarily doing what you can to avoid it: drive safely, watch out for other drivers, eat healthy, stay active and mentally alert, avoid dark alleys, don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc. But eventually death will catch up with you. It does for everyone. No one gets out of life alive. And the third part gives you absolutely no control. So the best you can do is to solve the imperfection problem and get your name written in the Lamb’s book of life. By the way, the reports of going to hell follow the same patterns, except no one was accompanied there. They either traveled a dark tunnel with unseen demons tormenting them, or they just went there, again in the midst demons’ torments.